MBA research on Facial Form and Beauty

Is perfect possible?
MBA first began it’s research with an overview of the past attempts to quantify facial form. After years of analysis, we felt that if there were an ideal face, it was probably a mathematical construction based upon some recurring theme.
Famous Quotations:
What ever beauty may be, it has for it’s basis order, and for it’s essence unity. – Father Andre
The criterion of true beauty is that it increases on examination, if false, that it lessens. There is therefore, something in true beauty that corresponds with right reason, and is not the mere creation of fancy. – Lord Greville
Symmetry and Harmony

Symmetry and Harmony
As it turns out, many have discussed the forms of facial attractiveness, and indeed the form of beauty in general, as being composed of or the result of two “ideal” components.
These components are: -Symmetry- and -Harmony-
Symmetry – can be defined as the mirror image of parts or components about an axis.By all accounts a beautiful face is symmetric – at least about the vertical or “y” axis.
Harmony – can be defined as a recurring theme.
Many researchers have proposed that there may possibly be recurring themes in the shape or form of the face. Some of these proposed themes are geometric figures such as circles, ovals,triangles, squares, curves, and angles.
Others have proposed themes which are mathematical relationships within the face. These include the square root of 2, gnomic spirals, and various proportional relationships, such as facial thirds, facial fifths and facial sevenths.
Unfortunately none of these themes have been shown to be consistent in beautiful faces or predict beauty in any repeatable or reproductible format.