Evidence of the existence of other facial archetypes:

We have thus far identified what we believe to be archetypal(or genetically encoded) images of the human face in two expressions or configurations, repose and smiling.
Psychologists Carroll Izard and Paul Ekman have demonstrated in their research the universal recognition of at least 10 facial expressions in addition to repose and smiling.
This and other scientific research suggests that the human perception and recognition of”humanness” is genetically encoded. That is, like other animals we are genetically pro-grammed from birth to be able to recognize our own species. From birth we are able to recognize which animals are human and which are not. The primary way we recognizeother humans is through their face (i.e. by the visual perception of their face). We are able to recognize a face at rest (or repose), as well as its various expressions (or emotional patterns), all of which are genetically encoded in our brains. There is additional evidence that we recognize humanness secondarily (or to a lesser degree) but still importantly from the body image. We believe that like the face, the body image too is genetically encoded.