Past attempts to understand Facial Form:

Egyptian Blocks

Leonardo Da Vinci

Albercht Durrer

Max Factor
For over two thousand years, man has been fascinated with the human face and has made innumerable attempts to reproduce the face in it’s most idealized form both in art and in vivo (life).
Over the last several thousand years, many attempts have been made to under-stand or quantify “the Form (or Shape)” of the perfect, ideal, or most beautiful face.
Many ideas have been tried and many great scientists and philosophers have dedicated a tremendous amount of energy toward this quest.
A significant number of researchers have felt that ultimately the ideal form of the face could be quantified. A few, in fact, even claimed that they had found certain clues to cracking the “code of beauty”.
To date, however, no one has been able to deliniate or describe the perfect form of the face.