Making Beauty
We have seen in the section “Beauty Ranges” that the more attractive or beautiful a face is, the more closely it will match the mask. The converse of this is that the more closely a face is to the mask, or is made to match the mask, the more attractive it will be.
This means that if we can modify the appearance of a face to make it more like the mask, it should become more attractive or beautiful.
Theoretically then, modifying any human face to make it closer to the Golden Mask should make it more attractive.
Examples of the applications of the archetypal masks:
Cosmetic make up applications
We can apply cosmetic make-up in order to give the illusion that the face more close approximated the Golden Mask.
Aesthetic surgery applications
The mask can be used to plan the surgical correction of the face or it’s specific components to more closely approximate the configuration of the “Archetypal or Perceived Ideal Facial Form”.
The repose lateral view is generally the view used to analyze the face prior to corrective facial surgery.
Aesthetic dentistry applications
The appropriate configuration and spatial orientation of the teeth is critical to proper dental function.
The recent use of mathematical proportion theory and archetypal masks has led to the identification and construction of the ideal orientation of the human dentition.
Diagnosis and analysis using this new idealized model will facilitate the restoration and maintenance of the entire dentition.